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  • SERIES | Comedy , Thriller
    0 episodes | 0 min
  • Season 0 | 2017
    Country of origin: Egypt
"Farouq, Jamal and Kassem are lifetime friends. They disagree on everything but agree on one common thing: their love for old collection cars. Farouq and Kassem have some problems with their daughters Farida, Rida and Lubna.

Usta Bulli convinces them to buy for their daughters classic micro cars which were used to be manufactured in the middle of the last century.

Usta Bulli suggests to go to Mansour Bey, the amateur of this category of cars who is selling his own collection to travel to his sons abroad.

After buying said cars, Bulli discovers that one of these cars is of great financial value and seeks the help of Salka to discover and acquire said car regardless of the cost, which leads to many thrilling attempts and adventures with the girls and comic situations with them and their fathers…"
Ahmed Fathi
Ghida Nouri
Dina Mohsen aka Wizo

Ihab Balil