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Zay el Ward

  • SERIES | Drama , Romance , Action
    60 episodes | 45 min
  • Season 1 | 2012
    Country of origin: Egypt
"Zayy El Wared is a long Egyptian series of almost 60 episodes, revolving around the life of a young man ""Ali"" living in the suburbs of Egypt; on her deathbed, his mother confesses to him that his biological father is the rich business man and prominent politician 'Rabih Hamzawi""; the marriage was only formal when he was born and the father left her 30 years ago even before seeing his own child.

Ali travels to Cairo to meet his father, in an attempt to retrieve what's been lost throughout the long 30 years - his rights of a social identity and human integrity.

But life happens in a way Ali couldn't face his father with the truth, only to end up working for him as a driver and a body guard without him know that Ali is his own child.

Rabih gets involved in a secret love affair with Yasmin, Ali's beloved.
Carrying his child, she threatened him to reveal the truth unless he gets married to her.

He tried all ways to let her abort the child, and when he failed he asked Ali to get rid of her, in a way or another.

A gripping social drama inspired by real social events and human interactions.

From the first moment, it reveals the complex realities of young characters, interlaced events and intriguing relationships between and young and older generations. Each episode carries its own thread of events and leaves the viewer with a sense of sorrow and excitement. Every episode is a journey into the paths of love and life, good and evil, the rich and the poor, the young and the old, life in all her joys and sorrows.

The unusual sometimes surreal character of events makes the episodes unpredictable and ends hard to grasp - the rich falls in love with the poor, the old woman falls in love with a young man, the mother and her daughter fall for the same person..."
Youssef El Sherif
Yasmine El Melihi
Salah Abdallah
Rabih Hamzawi
Mohamad Nagati
Adel El Melihi
Hani Adel
Motasem Farhat
Farah (Fedra)
Darine Hamze
Ali Mneimneh
Ahmad Dawoud
Bassem Hamzawi

Saad Al Hendawi
Fida' El Shendawili